Date | Speaker | Title |
15 October | Benoît Vicedo (York) | (Higher) operations in topological and conformal QFTs from factorisation |
22 October | Graeme Wilkin (York) | The Morse complex for semiprojective varieties |
5 November | Ian McIntosh (York) | The geometric Toda equations for noncompact symmetric spaces |
12 November | Ian McIntosh (York) | Equivariant minimal surfaces in the complex hyperbolic plane |
19 November 3-4pm in the Topos Note the time! | Inder Kaur (Glasgow) | A Lefschetz (1,1) theorem for singular varieties |
26 November | Martin Kerin (Durham) | Isometric rigidity of Wasserstein spaces |
3 December | Ben Lambert (Leeds) | Nonlocal estimates for volume preserving mean curvature flow |
Date | Speaker | Title |
4 February | Kasia Wyczesany (Leeds) | Zoo of dualities and related inequalities |
11 February | ||
18 February | Francesca Tripaldi (Leeds) | Extracting subcomplexes in the subRiemannian setting |
25 February | Stefano Negro (York) | Surfaces in higher-dimensional spaces and quantum integrable systems |
4 March | Josh Cork (Leicester) | On the instanton approximation of skyrmions |
11 March | Gautam Chaudhuri (Leeds) | The Dynamics of 2-Vortices on Flat Tori |
26 March (2pm) | Daniel Platt (Imperial) | Numerics for 1-forms and Calabi-Yau manifolds via neural networks |
26 March (3:10pm) | Luca Seemungal (Leeds) | The index of constant mean curvature surfaces in 3-manifolds |
26 March (3:40pm) | Sam Engleman (York) | A Morse-Bott cohomology for the moduli space of Higgs bundles |
26 March (4:40pm) | Martin Speight (Leeds) | \(L^2\) geometry of vortices |
1 April | ||
22 April | ||
29 April | ||
20 May | Alexander Fruh (Birmingham) | TBA |